среда, 15 января 2020 г.


Trading solutions Who uses Patsystems? How do I get the Patsystems trading front-ends? Back To Top Of Page. Where is Patsystems located? Does Patsystems have a choice of APIs? How much do the trading front-ends cost? Can I access my front-end screens via the internet? patsystems j-trader

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Powerful front-end applications and FIX connectivity to enable trading across all major futures exchanges and liquidity pools.

Frequently Asked Questions

It can run in conjunction patsystfms any trading platform and interface to any back office application, covering any asset class — not just derivatives. For more information click here.

What assets can I trade with Patsystems?

Patsystems specialises in trading solutions for the derivatives industry. Platform independent patsytems and post-trade risk management systems that calculate risk across multiple asset classes in real-time. Patsystems provides high-performance electronic trading and exchange systems, comprehensive risk management tools and connectivity to global markets from a single screen.

Risk Informer is a standalone application.

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How do I apply for the API? Each customer firm then resells the Patsystems trading front-ends to end-users.

How many trading solutions does Patsystems offer? Risk solutions Patsysems you offer solutions for both pre- and post-trade risk? Berkeley Online provides the Pats proprietary API for futures and options trading, enabling traders to use this API to connect their trading and execution software.

Support How is your technical support service structured?


Pro-Mark is a premium front-end, the most advanced application available for the professional sector. Berkeley Online provides instant connectivity to many third party vendors who have already configured to the Pats API.

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Trading front-ends How many trading solutions does Patsystems offer? Can I access my front-end screens via the internet?

Patsystems | Electronic Trading, Exchange and Risk Management Solutions

Risk Solutions Platform independent pre- and post-trade risk management systems that calculate risk across multiple asset classes in real-time. Information is provided 'as-is' and solely for informational purposes, not for trading purposes or advice, and is delayed. Pro-Mark with Prism Prism is a synthetic strategy tool which enables traders to create any strategy, any ratios, across any number of legs. Features of the platform include: Marketing What type of marketing support does Patsystems provide for its customers?

To see all exchange delays and terms of use please see disclaimer. Developers who want an industry standard and platform-independent mechanism will choose our FIX interface, widely used by our high-volume clients. Do you offer solutions for both pre- and post-trade risk? Fundamental company data provided by Morningstar and Zacks Investment Research.

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How much does application conformance cost? Patsystems offers an integrated pre-trade risk solution while Risk Informer monitors post-trade risk in real-time.

For additional information you can contact Patsystems: Patsystems' front-end screens can be accessed and deployed via the internet.

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How do I get the Patsystems trading front-ends? Does Patsystems have a choice of APIs? Traders wanting to use Pro-Mark, J-Trader, or IQ-Trader as their front-end trading platform can ppatsystems the screens directly from their brokerage firm. Financial trading in a leveraged product may result in losses that exceed your initial deposit.

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