пятница, 17 января 2020 г.


If you built the extension from the source, you will find the wso2-wsf-php-bin-x. Kathiravelu Pradeeban April 22, at 4: So how could I find out, what is missing? Once installed phpize, make sure to configure again. As far as i know, No.. You might have to "sudo make" and "sudo make install" based on the permission and the preferred location. Otherwise, it will fail as below. wso2-wsf-php-src

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Join the DZone community and get the full member experience. IF you are using vc, it is located in C: I'm using Ubuntu You might have to "sudo make" and "sudo make install" based on the permission and the preferred location.

Llovizna: Installing WSO2 WSF/PHP on Ubuntu

Open this file and set your dependency directory locations to relevant entries. Sign up using Facebook. Once installed phpize, make sure to configure again. This will fix the make issues.

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My error is the same and all libs menioned above are installed. Asked 5 years, 1 month ago. Hello, this topic is really old, but maybe it's still active. Is it Ubuntu Copy all the samples to your Web server's document root.

If you can paste the entire log, we can look further and see whether it is something else. Don't know if my post was sent, I resend it again, maybe you'll have the same twice! I managed to install it successfully on Ubuntu Next run the build. Thanks in advance, Best Regards, Christian.

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WSO2 WSF/PHP Installation Guide

You can get the binary pack by downloading and extracting the binary distribution as well. Please send your feedback to the user mailing list: However, make sure that you have php5 dev-version for building.

Making all in src make[2]: Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information. Hi Pradeeban, Thanks a lot for your prompt answer. Active 3 years, 2 months ago. Wso2-wsf-php-sec Post Older Post Home. Before running the build. Improving the question-asking experience. Now you can "make" and "make install". He holds a Wso2-wsf-php-srd.

Now you can "make" and "make install".


Find Me On These Networks. I was running into the same issue.

Otherwise, it will fail as below. Hence I am elaborating the steps a bit further, addressing the issues reported.

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