вторник, 14 января 2020 г.


Crop Protection , 98, pp. Nature Communication , 7 , pp. Microbiology , 4 , pp. Dierauer, Hansueli Ackerbauern helfen sich selbst. Curculionidae and Lygus rugulipennis Poppius Hetereoptera:

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Alakukku, Laura ; Ristolainen, Antti ; Sarikka, Ilkka and Hurme, Timo Surface water ponding on clayey soils managed by conventional and conservation tillage in boreal conditions. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences13, pp. Bodapati, Subrahmanyeswari and Chander, Mahesh A scale to measure attitude of registered organic farmers towards organic livestock farming. Borgen, Anders Removal of bunt spores from wheat seed lots by brush cleaning.

B ; Silva, D. Ahtiainen, Heini Valuing international marine resources: Rethinking the role of elzine in science. Livestock Production Science80, pp. Cas de la Commune de Kandi. An overview of Green Accounting Systems for European farms. Agronomy Research7 Ipp.

Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture89 4pp. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, pp. The Organic Standardpp. Halberg, Niels ; colhdndo der Werf, Hayo M. Annals of Applied Biology, pp. Tortricidae damage to apple trees. Soil Use and Management16, pp. European Journal of Agronomy31 4pp.

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Xavier Crop yield, weed infestation and soil fertility responses to contrasted ploughing intensity and manure additions in a Mediterranean organic crop rotation. Stephan Stakeholder-Partizipation und Stakeholder-Protest: International Journal of Agricultural Management2 1pp.

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Daniel, Claudia and Wyss, Eric Susceptibility of different life stages of the European cherry fruit fly, Rhagoletis cerasi, to entomopathogenic fungi.

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